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E22-214 braindump free demo download pdf E22-214 Exam Questions
Exam Name: ScaleIO 1.x Server-Based SAN Exam
NO.1 You are designing a ScaleIO solution for a workload of 50,000 IO/sec with a
profile of 90%
reads, 10% writes. What is the total I/O rate that can be
expected in ScaleIO devices due to this
A. 50,000 IO/sec
100,000 IO/sec
C. 45,000 IO/sec
D. 55,000 IO/sec
Answer: D
E22-214 Exam
NO.2 How many simultaneous instances of the ScaleIO GUI
can be running for a single cluster?
A. One instance per role, per ScaleIO
B. Dependent on the client OS
C. One per ScaleIO cluster
Dependent on the role of the specific user
Answer: C
NO.3 You are designing a ScaleIO solution for a workload
of 12,000 IO/sec with a profile of 60%
reads, 40% writes. What is the total
I/O rate that can be expected in ScaleIO devices due to this
19,000 IO/sec
B. 24,000 IO/sec
C. 4,800 IO/sec
D. 16,800
Answer: D
E22-214 Exam
NO.4 You have just integrated a ScaleIO cluster with an
OpenStack cloud.
While testing the integration, the OpenStack administrator
discovers that ScaleIO volume creation
from the Horizon UI
However, attaching the volume to an OpenStack instance
What is a possible cause?
A. SDS has not been installed in every
Nova node
B. ScaleIO Cinder driver has not been installed in the Cinder
C. SDC has not been installed in every Nova node
D. OpenStack
instance must first be rebooted before the attach operation
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E22-214 braindump free demo download pdf E22-214 Exam Questions
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